Individual Personal Training. Whether your goal is to have better toned abs, lose weight, increase strength, run your 1st marathon or simply gain more energy, a personalized fitness plan will be developed to meet your specific needs. Guesswork is eliminated with a safe and effective custom-built plan that includes; nutritional guidelines (what to eat and how to eat to optimize your metabolism), various strength training fundamentals and techniques to become stronger and more lean (learn correct posture, proper exercise form, how to set (machines), how to use exercise equipment (dumbbells, tubing, stability balls, etc.) properly, how to figure the optimal number of sets, reps, pace of reps, amount of resistance, etc. based on your specific goals and how to avoid injury), along with advice to maximize cardiovascular fitness (how to calculate and use your specific THR (target heart rate) zone, how to choose proper cardiovascular equipment and how to select the appropriate program setting and time to best boost calorie burn, increase heart/lung function and improve immune system). As a Trainer, Brandon also understands the value of your time and so along with maximizing the effectiveness of your nutrition and exercise regimen, he also creatively develops a strategy to efficiently link your personalized fitness plan to your current (work, family, etc.) schedule. Constant advice will be provided, and you will be continually motivated and supported throughout the duration of your journey until ALL your specific health & fitness goals have been achieved. SPECIAL FEATURES. • Each individual session will be tracked in a personalized training log book • Clients will be assessed quarterly, measurements include: ADDITIONAL. • In-home or facility based (see Locations) • For ALL ages and fitness levels • NO gym membership required • NEW clients receive a FREE BLBTRAINING T-shirt • Duration of session; 45 minutes |
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